Learn Spanish Consciously
Welcome to my Spanish classes in the area of Altea.
I need to tell you that these classes are different, you won’t learn grammar the way you learned it in the past. We will use TPRS-Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling and I will also combine Mindfulness and Breathing techniques with Qi Gong exercises to learn a language.
Learning Spanish with all these combinations might sound weird, but over the years these are the things that fill my days and I want to share them with you and make you learn Spanish at the same time.
This is like a Yoga, Qi gong and Mindfulness class, but I AM your Spanish teacher. Isn’t it perfect??
We meet ON LINE
I have three groups:
Beginners/Intermediate: Tuesdays 10:30- 12:00
Beginners/Intermediate: Tuesdays 14:30- 16:00
Advanced: Thursdays 17:00 to 18:30 14
I'm Carolina, a teacher and meditation instructor. I love to combine my teaching background with my spiritual path. Welcome to my classes.

What make these classes different?
TPRS method
TPRS® or Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling® it is a language teaching method based on the idea that the brain needs enormous amounts of Comprehensible Input (CI) to acquire a new language.
In addition, teachers and students interact and create opportunities for students to speak and try out their new language through telling stories and using lots of repetition and questions, resulting in rapid gains in fluency.
Mindfulness and Qi gong
Mindfulness means paying full attention to something. It means slowing down to really notice what you’re doing. Mindfulness techniques will help you learn a language consciously.
Qi Gong involves using exercises to optimize energy within the body, mind, and spirit, with the goal of improving and maintaining health and well-being.
Mindfulness techniques and Qi Gong exercises help you learn a language consciously.
Interesting readings
Do you read self-growth books? Are you interested in personal development and self-improvement?
The texts used are all based in interesting topics that will help us get deeper inside.
We use a simplified version of them in Spanish.
We read Spanish translated texts from Thích Nhất Hạnh, Eckhart Tolle, Osho, Wayne Dyer… and we read texts from other Spanish masters like Ramiro Calle.
¿Hablas español? ¡Sí, por supuesto!

Learn Spanish Consciously
One live online class per week
WhatsApp Group
One class record per week
Class pdf in your phone every week
We meet once a week.
The class lasts 1 hour and a half
You get the class record via WhatsApp every week.
Online through zoom.
The price is 50 euros per month. The payment is made once a month.
You can pay by
- credit card- using this website shoping cart
- bizum- +34644648940
- paypal- paypal@carolinaparisina.com
Once you pay through my website you get an email with:
- The link to join the WhatsApp group
- The zoom link.
You are part of our WhatsApp group in which I send the recordings of all the classes and also I respond to all the questions that might arrise during the week.
You can find out more about TPRS HERE
Yes, sure! You can contact me HERE.
Spanish classes for kids
At this moment I have created an intermediate group on Tuesdays from 17:00 to 18:00.
This group is for kids who had have some exposure to the Spanish language, speak a little bit of Spanish and can understand easy commands in Spanish.
¿Cómo estás?
¡Muy bien, gracias!

Spanish classes for children
One hour class per week
Fun way to learn through music and story telling
One class record per week
WhatsApp group for parents
Homework (optional)